I had a plan for this journal page, but this character would just not get out of my head.
UK https://www.wowembossingpowder.co.uk?aff=11
How many have you have experienced this? You want to create something completely different, but this other creation will just just leave you alone. It wants you to create it now, not maybe later.
So you have to pivot your stream of creation and allow this persistent one to come forth.
That was me today. I had my colours all chosen, I knew which embossing powders I wanted to try out, but my friends advertising persona would just not leave me be.
Therefore, may I have the pleasure of introducing you to Donny M. Whiskey. He is the 'mascot', persona associated with my friends husband's business.
I think the desire to create Donny in my mixed media journal was partly due to the challenge that his sunglasses would present.
In the video below, you will see how I created my backgrounds as well as a quick step by step process of creating the character image.
For the sunglasses, I painted them in layers of GOLDEN 'Glazing Liquid' (satin) mixed with GOLDEN 'Quin Nickel Azo Gold'. Half way through the paint layers of lens colour, I added a couple layers of Paper Artsy's 'Metallic Glaze'. The sunglasses were finished off by using WOW! 'Metallic Gold Rich Regular' for the frame work. I just LOVE how the turned out :) .
The NEW WOW! 'Grey Sky at Night' was perfect for enhancing the flecks of grey in Donny's hair. I also just LOVE how WOW!'s 'Icicle Treat' brought his pleasure suit jacket to life...lol!
If you are inspired to create a Lounge Lizard or any character with glasses, please tag me, as I would love to see it :) . #niccidotca #inspiredbyniccidotca #wowembossedglasses
Have a fabulous Day and thank you for spending some time with me!
If you like my work, please show your support by following me online at www.nicci.ca , Instagram, ETSY, Facebook, Youtube & Tiktok .
Supplies Used in Today's Video:

Connect With Us:
Powder Arts Thermography Warehouse LTD, Caslon House, Lyon Way, St Albans, AL4 0LBUK https://www.wowembossingpowder.co.uk?aff=11
I love this guy Nicci and his embossed glasses look great! x