It reminded me of the Space Dust powder in the Seth Apter Cosmic Trio and its subtle shades of blues and purples together with the different sized pieces of powder.
As I have a huge thistle growing right outside my studio window, I took this as inspiration to stamp these funky thistles from Lavinia Stamps as they fitted the theme and look I was aiming for. I find it very difficult to capture in a photo the variations of colour in this powder and the larger blue pieces which randomly scatter themselves over the design help create this funky, arty finish.
Of course you don't have to limit yourself to using an Embossing Pad to make your powder stick, I spritzed lightly with a mini mister and added my powder to it. You MUST heat from underneath otherwise the water will dry and the powder will simply blow away but the result is so pretty.
I added a few dots with a brush and Embossing fluid before adding the gold, then went around the edge with Weathered Gold too adding a border.
I pulled the quote from an old book page and thought it would make a lovely finishing touch.
Whatever you do, I know you'll do it well!
Jaine x
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Powder Arts Thermography Warehouse LTD, Caslon House, Lyon Way, St Albans, AL4 0LBUK

This lavinia thistle stamp looks great and the love the added quote Jaine, and the Seth Apter EP works beautifully and love the extra scattered in the foreground which stitcks to the damp surface. I haven't tried adding EP in this way but must give it a try. x